Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Entrecard Brings On the Blog Comments

I haven't had a blog for long, but I got Entrecard immediately. It was pretty and I had a vague notion that it would bring traffic to my blog, which seemed like a Good Thing.

Someone old me that they weren't sure of the traffic's quality but that made no sense to me at first. Then I figured out that folks who read the blog were high quality and folks who spend .5 seconds on the blog to drop their entrecard were slightly lower quality traffic (can you hear the pc oozing from my pores?) and folks that read and comment once in awhile are the creme de la creme of the blogosphere! (My webspeak improves hourly.)

So then today I get this email that Entrecard has paired up with SezWho to get folks commenting. As I gather, it's a rating system to reward commenters with Entrecard points and thoughtful commenters with more Entrecard points.

Well, we'll see how it works.

We all love comments don't we? Anything to combat that blogging in a vacuum feeling? The only thing worse than a commentless blog is a spammed blog. It's just rude. And disheartening. And kind of icky in a mashed up smelly meat covered in slime and a tin can way.

But just as blogging is a learned behavior, commenting is a learned behavior. I look forward to learning how to do a better job of it myself!

One more thing. I'm having a time getting it installed though it seems like the easiest thing in the world. On the plus side the SezWho support team is quick and professional. Thank you SezWho.

And thank you, each one of you who read this and other posts and comment once in awhile!


  1. I'm here via EC (my first visit, too) and I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said. EC has improved my traffic but it's the improving traffic AND comments that we need, as bloggers so the joining forces of EC and SezWho is a fabulous idea. Now, to see if it works the way we're hoping for, right?

  2. en your blog a lot now through my EntreCard drops, and I love your work. Sometimes commenting is just a challenge :)

    I'm going to do the SezWho thingy too. We'll see how it goes.

  3. It looks like it's working! And the blogosphere is lucky to have you!! :-)

  4. Welcome OG! Thanks for looking around.
    SM-- I know. Sometimes what you want to say has already been said or maybe it seems like such a small thing to even bother with. But thank you for commenting here:)
    Adina-- we'll see! At this point I can't even get Sezwho working:(

  5. I have been wondering about Entrecard

  6. I've made a commitment to myself to respond to every comment posted in my blog by posting in the commenter's blog. It seems to be working for me. I'm not going with Sezwho right now. I wanna see how it goes for you brave folks that are trying it.

  7. What I'm most excited about Entrecard and SezWho teaming together is that I will now have my posts rated. That can only lead me to improve the quality of my posts to draw returning traffic.

  8. I too love commenting posts. It allows me to give my thoughts on what I just read and hopefully, the author will also respond and visit my blog in return. I am still very new to blogging and I am positive that with the Entrecard and SezWho partnership, it will increase traffic, give me feedback on what my readers think about my posts, and of course earn ECs along the way.

  9. I too am hopeful that the partnership will help Bloggers gain more viewership. Entrecard and Sezwho were great on their own, my guess is that this is an example where 1+1=3

  10. Marilyn-- it's a good thing I think and easy.
    Marlaine and obvious and very good idea! I hadn't thought of it before!
