Saturday, March 21, 2009

another primitive series offering

The Primitive Series is a bit of an odd duck.

I got the basic idea from visiting museums-- gotta love the jewelry in them!! You see all these amazing pieces that are 4000 years old and and you think, "This should not be behind glass. I should be wearing this. We should *all* be wearing this!"

I scratched some designs out in eyeliner (back when I wore the stuff) when we went to the Met.

When sistermine got married I actually made my very first pair of Primitive Series earrings for her second holes-- two years later and she hasn't taken them out-- then I started selling them on Etsy and they whole series has grown from there.

Much of it in response to customer needs and requests.

This is the latest offering-- the kumah bangle. This is the second one and it's in my shops. The proto-type was made for a friend who likes blue and green and travelling. I hope she likes her bangle!

I never got the point of those little coiling gizmos till today-- if kumah sells and I make more I may have to invest in one because that is alot of wear and tear on the wrists!

I love the simplicity of it and the African beads and they'd be great piled in fives on each wrist!


  1. I really like the colors of the stones - very oceanic.

    Your whole primitive series is so nice, one overarching theme with lots and lots of different ideas.


  2. Sarah, this had to be by you! Wonderful :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She LOVES her bangle, as you know, but she wants the world to know how much she loves it :) It's wonderful!

    (She's just a little behind on blog-reading, as usual. And signing in under the wrong name, too, as usual!)
