Tuesday, March 3, 2009

temptation project completed

Here it is!

I Want to Believe. A tribute to temptation in one of its more subtle forms.

I Want To Believe features 26 grams of tiny green seedbeads in a crop circle pattern and a ceramic saucer button. The button, based on 1950's movie images, was commissioned especially for this piece and was created by Etsy's siennaorlando.

When she announced her theme Karin made it clear that it was open to interpretation. This is a bit of commentary on the confusing world we live in and the way so many of us let our feelings influence our belief system.
Another bit of news . . . my Etsy shop hit 1500 Hearts today. Wow.


  1. Congratulations on a wonderful creation and on the hearts (I'm in that group, somewhere!) :D

  2. Wow! I love this piece! I love the button! (Total X-Files nerd here.) Great work, and congrats on the milestone:)

  3. I saw that last night when I did an EBWC search and actually squealed, making my house guests jump. Yes, I love me some X-files.

  4. How cool is that! Love it Sarah!

    I've left you an award at my blog...

  5. That is fantastic and so creative! And congratulations on your hearts. :)

  6. I love this...it is so clever.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. AAAAAH! I did it again! Sorry!

    Anyway... what fun! Love this!
